'Skills for Sustainable Employment and Inclusive Economic Growth of Cross-Border Region of Albania and Montenegro - Skills for Jobs Albania – Montenegro'

The Foundation Business Start Center Bar, in cooperation with partners the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro and the Agency for International Development of Albania (AIDA), is implementing the project 'Skills for sustainable employment and inclusive economic growth of the cross-border area of ​​Albania and Montenegro' - Skills for work Albania-Montenegro. The project is supported by the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Montenegro - Albania 2014-2020 through the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II).

The project envisages support for the development of entrepreneurial skills and the employment of young people and women as a key target group, but also the provision of sustainable support to employers in the cross-border area.

Support is provided in priority development sectors in the cross-border area: tourism, hospitality, information and communication technologies, agriculture and interconnected sectors.

In consultation with employers and other relevant stakeholders, the contribution to the goal will be achieved through:

- Increased professional skills and competencies of unemployed youth and women in order to meet employment needs in the tourism, hospitality and ICT sectors.

- Developed self-employment/entrepreneurship skills - strategic planning, networking, marketing and sales, e-business - in the field of ICT, tourism, catering, gastronomy and traditional crafts.

- Established a cross-border brand for the promotion of local products and services.

 Overall Objective/ Impact:  Facilitating the access to the labor market for young people and women in cross-border areas of Albania and Montenegro.


Op1.1 Identified and assessed opportunities in the relevant development sectors in the CB region of Albania and Montenegro through a Joint CB Conference, with the focus on the labour market trends and development prospects

Op1.2 Developed and implemented joint theoretical and 3-month practical trainings in the tourism, ICT, hospitality and interlinked sectors for 30 unemployed youth and women from the CB region (15 from each).

Op1.3 Implemented recognized trainings for tourism agency business in Montenegro and Albania for 10 unemployed youth and women from the CB region (5 from each).


Op2.1 Developed and implemented a joint comprehensive mentorship programme for self-employment/ entrepreneurship in the areas of tourism, ICT, hospitality, gastronomy, and traditional crafts for 30 unemployed youth and women from the CB region (15 from each).

Op2.2 Developed (at least) 10 inclusive business plans to give the sustainability and follow up after the project completion and register 5 start-up businesses to provide additional impact to labour market in the CB area of Albania and Montenegro.

Op2.3 Created one joint cross-border promotional video of the self-employment potentials in the CB region, as well as evolution of business ideas/ models developed by the youth and women throughout the project and the expected impact on the border region of Albania and Montenegro.


Op3.1 Developed, branded, and launched one online marketing and selling point of products and services from cross-border area, for the purpose boosting the local businesses and the prospects of future employment and self-employment in the CB region

Op3.2 Durable joint support, promotion, and online point of experiences exchange for potential entrepreneurs from the CB area achieved through the creation of the ‘’No borders’’ network integrated into the project website/portal and promoted in social media platforms.