Call for lecturer on Workshop 'Smart technologies in Tourism'

For the purpose of organizing a two-day workshop on the topic “Smart Technologies in Tourism”, the Business Start-up Center announces a call for hiring a lecturer.

The workshop is part of the project 'Window2Bar', no. contract CFCU / MNE / 140, implemented by the Foundation Business Start Center Bar through the Program: IPA II-Multi - Annual Action Program for Montenegro of Employment, Education and Social policies (2015-2017).

The workshop will last for two days, and the time of the holding is planned for the first half of June 2021, and it will be specified later.


Lecturer will be required to:

1. Submit a presentation or work plan for the workshop before the event (agenda and work plan will be agreed with the project team)

2. Hold a workshop in the aforementioned period

3. Submit a report on the work done within three days from the end of the workshop in a form to be submitted by the project team

4. To be available for the need of consultations and providing information to the participants during the implementation of the workshop.


To apply, please by 14.05.2021. by 3 pm, send to:

1. CV - biography

2. Program offer: thematic areas that will be covered during the workshop, as well as the financial offer - fee for the implementation of the stated obligations and tasks