We would like to inform you that on Friday, October 2, starting at 11 am, a presentation of the Delphis electronic invoicing system will be held in the Business Center Bar, and training for working on the system for all interested business entities and individuals. Part of the training will be dedicated to the harmonization and preparations for the upcoming Law on Electronic Fiscalization. We kindly ask all interested parties to enter the required contact information in the application form, in order to provide all interested parties in smaller groups and according to different schedules in order to provide working conditions that are in accordance with the NCB recommendations, and in order to combat the COVID-19 virus pandemic , since 15 is the maximum number of people who can stay in the presentation room at the same time. Exact maintenance schedules will be sent to all interested parties at a later date, while we expect the first group to start with a presentation at 11 am. The duration of the presentation and training is 30-45 minutes, including any questions from those interested. The presentation is primarily intended for those interested from the municipalities of Ulcinj, Bar and Budva, but all interested parties from other municipalities are certainly welcome.
To apply, just fill out the form at the following link