Hackathon 'My business idea'

We invite young fellow citizens aged 15 to 30 to apply for the competition for the best business idea and thus express their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit!

The hackathon 'My Business Solution' is organized by the Municipality of Bar in cooperation with the Business Start Center Bar Foundation, while the implementation of activities is supported by the project 'Youth 4 Open Innovation' from the Erasmus+ program.

Teams of up to 5 members can apply for the competition, who will try to solve certain problems with their business ideas, in the following areas:

1) Smart tourism

2) Smart agriculture and

3) Innovative solving of social problems in the local community


Therefore, the ideas chosen by the teams should be innovative solutions to certain problems of the local community, to be applicable and entrepreneurial.

To participate in the competition, you need to record a video lasting a maximum of 3 minutes that will present: Your team, business idea, the problem it solves and the target group to which it applies, as well as how to implement a business idea. When preparing an idea, it is necessary to pay special attention to the aspect of innovation, but also to design an adequate marketing performance.

Three first-placed business ideas will be awarded by the Municipality of Bar with cash prizes in the amount of 500, 300 and 200 euros, respectively.


Important dates and how to apply:

1) February 16th, 2022 from 10:00 to 14:00 in the Business Start Center - support to teams in developing business ideas and presenting them.

2) February 24th no later than 24:00 - it is necessary to send the recorded video material *** to the email mladi@bar.me and follow the Instagram pages @mladi_bara and @opstina_bar by all team members, as well as animate as many young people as possible people from your environment to follow the listed instagram pages.

3) February 25th, 2022 at 12:00 - publication of all videos that meet the criteria on the Instagram page @mladi_bara

4) February 28th, 2022 at 11:00 am in the Great Hall of the Municipality of Bar - public presentation of business ideas - broadcasting of videos and defense of business ideas by teams before members of the Expert Jury - prominent businessmen from these areas. Team ranking and awarding.


*** Each team can submit only one video. The video material must be exclusively copyrighted, recorded in mp4 format. A video with a stamp or any other type of signature will not be considered. When sending the video, it is necessary to write the names and surnames of the team members, the name of the school or faculty, phone number and email in the email. It is also important to write the following statement: I certify that the video material was created as an author's work.