Gender equlity project

Through the project 'Side by side we decide, work and create', we intend to influence the elimination of gender stereotypes and raise awareness of the importance of women's participation in the decision-making process and public life.

The goals of the project are as follows:

Sensitization of local institutions and citizens themselves for the principle of gender equality, as well as promoting the will to work together to create new values ​​in the community
Raising public awareness of the importance of women's participation in the decision-making process in political and public life
Recognizing economic violence and promoting gender equality in resource allocation, employment and decision-making
Promotion and raising public awareness through examples of good practice and the popularization of positive solutions, all through digital media and new forms of communication (podcast).
We will achieve the stated goals by organizing seminars for employees in institutions, private and NGO sectors that we want to sensitize about working with women, then by organizing motivational workshops and mentoring for the direct target group, women. As part of the project, we will also organize a round table on the topic of networking and activating women in political and economic circles, as well as on the topic of recognizing economic violence and influencing the adjustment of support programs to be as practical as possible for women. We will also promote positive examples in this context by recording 3 podcasts. :

The target groups are:

unemployed women, young women, women from the category of less employable persons, such as: women from the countryside, women with disabilities. In addition to the stated target group, we also target women who work in institutions and are in direct contact with the target group, namely: local government bodies, the professional public, professional associations, political parties, women employed in the judiciary, prosecutor's office, inspection bodies and state administration bodies. .


Local non-governmental organizations that deal with the issue of women's rights and the social inclusion of women with disabilities. Municipality of Bar, Employment Office, Centers for Social Work, political parties and other institutions/organizations where it is important to activate women and recognize economic violence as well as the connection between economic power and decision-making power. Ministry of Human and Minority Rights because the project directly contributes to the implementation of the National Strategy.

Project implementation period: 01.01.2023. - 31.12.2023.