B2B 'Digitalisation in Tourism'

We invite you to the Incoming mission 'Digitalization in tourism', which will be organized on July 9, starting at 9 a.m. in the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro.

The aim of the Incoming mission is the exchange of knowledge and examples of good practices on the application of innovative digital solutions in tourism, as well as the connection of female entrepreneurs and the establishment of partnerships in the area of ​​the South Adriatic.

The participants will be companies from Montenegro, Italy and Albania operating in the field of tourism.

 The number of participants is limited, please register as soon as possible via the link:


The incoming mission is organized as part of the NEW ICONS (New Icon Women in South Adriatic Tourism) project, which we are conducting with the leading partner, the National Crafts Federation and the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Bari Province, as well as with two other partners: Molisse verso il 2000 from Italy, NUCLEUS from Albania. The project is supported by INTERREG IPA SOUTHERN ADRIATIC 2021-2027.

The main goal of the project is to improve the conditions for the development of female entrepreneurship in the sector of sustainable tourism. The result we want to achieve is the establishment of a cross-border cluster of female entrepreneurs operating in the tourism sector. This cluster will be used to exchange knowledge, practices and experiences in the field of digital and green strategies for sustainable tourism development.